the yannai in the room

what is greenwashing?
Understanding how to spot greenwashing is crucial, and educating yourself on organizations that genuinely care for the environment and sustainability is vital. Greenwashing exploits genuine concerns that consumers have when it comes to a product's eco-friendliness
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our first status update
Welcome to our first update. This is kind of surreal because we haven't discussed our goals, progress, and achievements since we founded Yannai three years ago. I want to give everyone a quick timeline and share some details of what's...
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introducing yannai's book club
Hey everyone! Nero and I love reading, and we think it's essential to expand our understanding of issues and topics regarding sustainability. Sustainability is a multidisciplinary topic that incorporates environmental, social and economic factors, so it's crucial that we continuously...
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b corp logo

The term B-Corps or Benefit Corporations is growing in popularity. It's a new type of company that looks to combine the success of traditional companies with the social and environmental good. 

Businesses that have earned the designation of "Certified B Corporation" have proven social and environmental performance, public transparency, and legal accountability to strike a balance between profit and purpose.

Keep on reading for seven amazing examples of B-Corp companies that are making a difference for the betterment of the planet.

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